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What is the difference between commercial, residential, and industrial electricians?

What is the difference between commercial, residential, and industrial electricians?

In order to find the perfect electrician for your business, you need to first understand what type of electrical work they specialize in. Industrial and commercial are two different types that both serve a valuable purpose – it just depends on where their focus lies (commercial being more hands-on with clients). Industrial specialists typically handle large-scale projects involving power grids, while a commercial specialist is focused more specifically on smaller tasks – such as installing street lights or electrical wiring within buildings.

Industrial electrician

Electrical engineering encompasses a wide range of skills, from repairs and maintenance, to complex equipment. Industrial electricians have various duties in factory environments that require advanced knowledge for handling electrical devices with complexity. As one can imagine, many industrial electricians work in mines across Australia because they are responsible for all types of jobs, but with more focus on machinery like hydraulic or pneumatic tools used most often by these industries. Industrial electricians are not only responsible for repairing equipment, but also performing safety checks. Engineers are responsible for all sorts of things, from inspecting and repairing machines to overseeing new projects.

When should you hire them?

In manufacturing, an industrial electrician is a vital cog in keeping everything running smoothly and efficiently. These professionals are responsible for installing new electrical systems to keep up with modern technology and troubleshooting any issues that arise from machinery or equipment already installed. They also repair and maintain all pieces of essential gear, so it never fails you at the wrong time!

Commercial electrician

A commercial electrician is often considered the unsung hero of office buildings, shops, and other commercial spaces. Keeping the workplace functioning  can require electrical repair, maintenance checks to guarantee employee safety, and designing systems that meet workplace needs with conduits for pipes and tubing that fit the local electrical code requirements.

When should they be hired?

A commercial electrician is needed in many different capacities, from installing new equipment to repairing heating and cooling systems. Commercial electrical work can include anything, as long as it falls into one of the following categories: Rewiring, laying cables, and installations. They may also be responsible for working with security alarm systems or other electronics like switches and lights in your office. A design professional may also need commercial electricians’ services for designing an existing system based on blueprints, or if you want them to use their expertise when creating something special just for you.

Residential electrician

Residential electricians work with homeowners to ensure that the exterior and interior of their homes are safe. Residential electricians run Romex cables, which is a type of wiring for residential properties only, as opposed to industrial or commercial use. This wiring carries 120-240 volts in single-phase power supplies; it also protects from electrical shocks. It’s wires are wrapped up in  sheathed insulation, so they can’t be touched by anyone who isn’t supposed to handle them.

When should they be hired?

The demanding electrical tasks of a Residential Electrician are not for the faint-hearted. Aspiring electricians will need to complete high school, enroll in an apprenticeship program, and put in 8,000 – 10,000 hours on the job experience before becoming licensed by taking competency exams. Once these requirements have been met, then this career may be right up your alley if you’re handy with your hands and understanding complex systems. Most residential electricians work in homes and travel from one worksite to the next.


With a team of qualified, well-trained, and hardworking industrial electricians on your side at Quick Spark, we can provide all the necessary skills to make sure you’ll have an efficient job done right! From in-house training programs with commercial electrical work experience that will serve as invaluable for anyone interested in becoming an industrial electrician, or joining our talented team here at Quick Spark—we’re ready when YOU are. If you need assistance figuring out what type of industrial help might be required for any project, big or small, give us a call anytime; we offer 24/7 emergency response service, no matter how urgent it may seem.

Quick Spark

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