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Security Tips for the Elderly

Security Tips for the Elderly

Electricity was a game-changer for all humankind, and has transformed our lives for the better. It is crucial in our daily life, from lights to a myriad of convenient gadgets, to cleaning, etc. However, every electrical comfort necessitates some vigilance, which is why electrical safety is so critical for senior citizens.

According to the stats, the elderly are more vulnerable to electrical hazards. Many people over the age of 65 live in homes with poor safety and frequently misuse of electrical items or appliances. This puts them at a higher risk of such accidents.

Quick Spark recommends you to follow these tips to ensure electrical safety at your home.

1. Keep An Eye On Outlets

Are the wall outlets of your home tamper-resistant? Always verify that all outlets are tamper-resistant to avoid both electric shocks and electric fires. Inspect the outlets on a regular basis to make sure that they have shielding faceplates.

2. Avoid Extensions

Don’t run extension cables via ceilings and walls because they can overheat and cause an electric fire. Make sure the cords aren’t trapped in windows and doors to avoid damaging their insulation, as damaged cables pose a risk of electric shock. However, if you intend to use them frequently, always seek professional help such as Quick Spark to install new outlets in your home.

3. Repair and Replace All Damaged Cables/Cords

Exposed or damaged cables pose a significant electrical safety hazard in the home. To avoid electric shocks, inspect all cables and power on a regular basis for signs of cracking and repair them. For the comfort of the elderly, install electrical outlets in a location that is easily accessible to them.

4. Keep Electric Equipment Away from Water

One thing you should always remember about electricity is that water conducts electricity. Hence, never leave vulnerable electrical appliances or gadgets near water, as this may lead to an electric shock to the unaware. Thus, you should keep electrical appliances and equipment away from showers and aquariums. It is one of the electrical safety regulations that you should follow in order to avoid electrocution.

5. Don’t Overload Your Outlets

All outlets are tailored in such a way to supply a specific amount of energy. Overloading them with too many devices may result in a shorting of power or even fire. However, if you intend to plug in multiple devices, then you should use power strips (of course, use the one that saves energy).

6. Kitchen Safety

The kitchen is the place where the majority of accidents happen. So, you should concentrate on building a safe environment. Electric appliances such as toasters and kettles should have an automatic shut-off button to avoid dangers even if they are left on. Moreover, always replace old appliances with new ones as they tend to break down over time.


Death from electric shocks is more common than you think in Australia and all around the globe. By taking the above-mentioned safety tips, you can keep your loved ones safe.

Only a safe and secure electrical system in your home can guarantee your safety. At Quick Spark, we make sure that you don’t have to worry about electrical shocks and other such issues. Just give us a call or visit our website https://getquickspark.com.au/ and keep your elders away from these troubles.

Quick Spark

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