Category: Ceiling Fans

What are some green ways that you can keep your home cool in the summer?

The summer’s heat makes Americans $11 billion poorer, and the money we spend on AC units releases 100 million tons of CO2 into the air annually. That’s two tons for every home that has one. We all want to be kept cool in hot times, but some green tips – like turning off your lights …

Ceiling Fans Vs Air Conditioning – The Great Debate as To Which Is More Cost-Effective

Your family may have discussed this around the dinner table. Do we install ceiling fans or air conditioners? Every summer, when the soaring temperatures in Australia hits, prudent homeowners start to ponder whether the additional cost of air conditioners is worth the outlay, or are ceiling fans more than enough? Fans Vs Air Conditioners Quick Spark has made this decision …

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Ceiling Fans (But Were Afraid to Ask)

Ceiling fans have been making our lives more comfortable for years. They not only help with air circulation, but also lower your electricity bill. In recent years, ceiling fans have made a comeback. Modern models have an aesthetic quality to them and add a touch of luxury to your house. Some of the advantages of using ceiling fans …

7 Reasons You Should Be Investing In Installing Ceiling Fans Throughout Your Home

When it comes to adding ceiling fans throughout your home, the benefits extend far beyond adding a cool breeze to any room. Whether it’s adding style or lowering your energy bill, ceiling fans have a vast range of benefits that you may have not even thought about. Ceiling Fans help lower energy costs: Ceiling fans …

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